Microprocessor Control
3.10.2C/F Degrees
The control may be selected to show readings and setpoints in either degrees Fahrenheit (°F) or in degrees Celsius (°C). To change the value use ENTER to select this function, then use the UP/DOWN arrow to change the value. Press ENTER to store the value.
3.10.3Humidity Control Method
The operator may select either relative (direct) or absolute (predictive) humidity control. If “relative” is selected, the RH control is taken directly from the RH sensor. If “absolute” is selected, the RH con- trol is automatically adjusted whenever return air temperature deviates from the desired tempera- ture setpoint (i.e., predictive humidity control). The LCD display will indicate percentage relative humidity for both methods of control. If the “absolute” feature is selected, the adjusted humidity read- ing will also be shown. When utilizing the predictive humidity control feature, the humidity level is automatically adjusted ~2% RH for each degree difference between the return air temperature and the temperature setpoint.
Unnecessary dehumidification can result when overcooling occurs during a dehumidification cycle. This is due to a higher than normal RH reading caused by overcooling the room (about 2% RH for each degree of overcooling). This drop in temperature extends the dehumidification cycle. Later, when the dehumidification ends and the temperature rises to the setpoint, the RH reading falls. The final RH reading will then be lower than actually desired. If the temperature drop was significant enough, the percentage RH could be low enough to activate the humidifier.
If the absolute humidity control is selected,
3.10.4Lead Compressor
This function allows the user to select which compressor is the lead: Compressor 1 (3 ton), Compres- sor 2 (5 ton), or Auto. The factory default is Auto. If Auto is selected, the control will determine which compressor is to be the lead compressor based on the average room load over the previous one hour of operation.
3.10.5Show DIP Switch
This function shows the position of the DIP switches which are located on the control board in the unit. 1 = Switch is “ON” and 0 = Switch is “OFF”. For more information on the DIP switches and their functions, see Table 17 Equipment Switch Settings.
3.10.6Valve Time (For Systems With a Modulating
This function shows the full valve travel time of the modulating valve on a