ting and clearing the miscellaneous output #4.
4.4 | ARC DETECT | The touch sense command is generated by active low | |
The arc detect signal is generated from the voltage and | welding output 3 (WDO3). The signal is then inverted | ||
current signals on the control board. The arc detect cir- | and isolated from the robot ground with an output | ||
cuit is calibrated to detect a minimum arc of 15V and | made to conduct 24VAC. The 24VAC connection is the | ||
30A. The signal is isolated from the control ground and | wire feeder 2 trigger. |
| |
tied to the robot controller welding input 2 (WDI2). | 4.13 WIRE+ & WIRE- |
| |
| |
4.5 | GAS FAULT | These two signals work together to cold inch the wire | |
This signal is not connected to anything on the inter- | at ±80IPM. The forward wire inch command is gener- | ||
face board. The signal (WDI3) is simply | ated by active low welding output 4 (WDO4). | The | |
the robot connector (P82) to the miscellaneous con- | reverse wire inch command is generated by active low | ||
nector (P84). A gas fault is generated when this signal | welding output 5 (WDO5). When either of the two sig- | ||
is tied to the robot ground. | nals is received an isolated inch command is generat- | ||
| ed and tied to the interface wire inching input. At the | |
4.6 | WATER FAULT | same time the motor drive relays switch to the correct | |
The water fault signal is generated by an active high | direction. The default direction for the motor | drive | |
(w/low water pressure reading) signal on the display | relays is forward, if both the signals are low at the same | ||
board. The signal is then isolated from the display | time then the motor drive relays are set for reverse. No | ||
ground, inverted, and tied to the robot controller weld- | damage will be caused by driving both signals low at | ||
ing input 5 (WDI5). | the same time. |
| |
The power fault signal is generated by checking the | The dual procedure switch command is generated by | ||
12.8V supply on the interface board. If the supply volt- | active low welding output 7 (WDO7). The signal is then | ||
age on the interface board drops below ≈11.2V then a | isolated from the robot ground and tied to the interface | ||
power fault signal is generated. The signal is then iso- | dual procedure input. |
| |
lated from the control ground and tied to the robot con- |
| |
troller welding input 6 (WDI6). | 4.15 WIRE STICK DETECT |
| |
| The wire stick detect signal is generated by a voltage | |
4.8 | VOLTAGE FEEDBACK | check across the output studs. The robot controller | |
The arc voltage feedback signal is generated on the | samples this signal a predetermined time after the Arc | ||
control board. The interface board then filters, multi- | Enable signal changes from enabled to disabled. The | ||
plies by 2, and isolates the signal from the control | signal is then isolated from the control ground and tied | ||
ground. The signal is then tied to the robot controller | to the robot controller wire stick detect inputs (WDI+ & | ||
analog input 1 (ADCH1). A voltage feedback signal of |
| ||
7.62V is equal to an arc voltage of 80V. |
| |
The arc current feedback signal is generated on the control board. The interface board then filters, multi- plies by 4, and isolates the signal from the control ground. The signal is then tied to the robot controller analog input 2 (ADCH2). A current feedback signal of 8.32V is equal to an arc current of 750A.
The weld start command is generated by active low welding output 1 (WDO1). The signal is then isolated from the robot ground, inverted, and tied to the inter- face trigger input.
The gas start command is generated by active low welding output 2 (WDO2). The signal is then isolated from the robot ground and tied to the gas solenoid dri- ver.