Mount the wire feed unit by means of the insulated mounting bracket attached to the bottom of the gear- box. See L9777 Dimension Print following, to find the size and location of the mounting holes. The gearbox assembly is electrically “hot” when the gun or nozzle is energized. Therefore, make certain the gearbox does not come in contact with the structure on which the unit is mounted.
The wire feed unit should be mounted so that the drive rolls are in a vertical plane so dirt will not collect in the drive roll area. Position the mechanism so it will point down at about a 45˚ angle so the wire feed gun cable will not be bent sharply as it comes from the unit.
The Feeder to Control cable assemblies are available in two types:
1.Making certain the cables are protected from any sharp corners which may damage their jackets, mount the cable assembly along the boom so the end with the female
2.Connect the
3.At the same end, connect the electrode lead to the connection stud of the brass gun connection block on the front of the wire feed unit.
4.At the control box end, connect the
The electrode supply may be either from reels, Readi- Reels, spools or bulk packaged drums or reels. Observe the following precautions:
1.The electrode must be routed to the wire feed unit so that the bends in the wire are at a minimum, and also that the force required to pull the wire from the reel into the wire feed unit is kept at a minimum.
2.The electrode is “hot” when the gun is energized and must be insulated from the boom and struc- ture.
3.If more than one wire feed unit shares the same boom, their wire and reels must be insulated from each other and insulated from their mounting struc- ture.
See later in this section for mounting of the K299 wire reel assembly.