Instant Broadband® Series
Firmware - Code that is written onto
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) - A protocol used to transfer files over a TCP/IP network (Internet, UNIX, etc.). For example, after developing the HTML pages for a Web site on a local machine, they are typically uploaded to the Web serv- er using FTP.
FTP includes functions to log onto the network, list directories and copy files. It can also convert between the ASCII and EBCDIC character codes. FTP oper- ations can be performed by typing commands at a command prompt or via an FTP utility running under a graphical interface such as Windows. FTP transfers can also be initiated from within a Web browser by entering the URL preceded with ftp://.
Full Duplex - The ability of a device or line to transmit data simultaneously in both directions.
Gateway - A device that interconnects networks with different, incompatible communications protocols.
Half Duplex - Data transmission that can occur in two directions over a single line, but only one direction at a time.
Hardware - Hardware is the physical aspect of computers, telecommunica- tions, and other information technology devices. The term arose as a way to dis- tinguish the "box" and the electronic circuitry and components of a computer from the program you put in it to make it do things. The program came to be known as the software.
Hop - The link between two network nodes.
HTTP (HyperText Transport Protocol) - The communications protocol used to connect to servers on the World Wide Web. Its primary function is to estab- lish a connection with a Web server and transmit HTML pages to the client browser.
EtherFast® Cable/DSL Firewall Router with
Hub - The device that serves as the central location for attaching wires from workstations. Can be passive, where there is no amplification of the signals; or active, where the hubs are used like repeaters to provide an extension of the cable that connects to a workstation.
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) - Part of the TCP/IP protocol. Network devices such as routers or servers use ICMP to transmit error mes- sages and control messages. For example, the PING program uses ICMP.
ICQ - A conferencing program for the Internet that provides interactive chat,
IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) - The IEEE describes itself as "the world's largest technical professional society, promoting the development and application of electrotechnology and allied sciences for the benefit of humanity, the advancement of the profession, and the
The IEEE fosters the development of standards that often become national and international standards. The organization publishes a number of journals, has many local chapters, and several large societies in special areas, such as the IEEE Computer Society.
IKE (Internet Key Exchange) - A negotiation and key exchange protocol spec- ified by the Internet Engineering Task Force. An IKE security association (SA) automatically negotiates encryption and authentication keys. With IKE, an ini- tial exchange authenticates the VPN session and automatically negotiates keys that will be used to pass encrypted data over the Internet or any other network.
IP (Internet Protocol) - The method or protocol by which data is sent from one computer to another on the Internet. It is a standard set of rules, procedures, or conventions relating to the format and timing of data transmission between two computers that they must accept and use to be able to understand each other.
IP Address - In the most widely installed level of the Internet Protocol (IP) today, an IP address is a
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