A794 Owner’s Guide | Chapter 6: Programming Information |
Performs the remote diagnostic function specified by n.
Eighteen remote diagnostic items are defined: eight printer ID items and ten printer tally items. A group of four remote diagnostic functions is assigned to each diagnostic item. Most of the diagnostic items are maintained in
The table that follows describes the variables.
The first item group in the table includes an example of data to send and to receive. Data sent from the host to write to NVRAM must contain all digits required by the remote diagnostic item. All data must be ASCII. The printer returns all ASCII data. It is preceded by the parameter n to identify the diagnostic item and is followed by a Carriage Return (0D) to signify the end of the data.
Each returned message is defined as: n + data + <CR>
Transmit Status |
ASCII | GS r n | |
Hexadecimal | 1D 72 n | |
Decimal | 29 114 n | |
Value of n: | 1, 49 | = printer status |
| 2, 50 | = cash drawer status |
4, 52 = Flash Memory User Sector status
Transmits the status specified by n. This is a batch mode command which transmits the response after all prior data in the receive buffer has been processed. There may be a time lag between the printer receiving this command and transmitting the response, depending on the receive buffer status.
When DTR/DSR RS232C communications handshaking control is selected, the printer transmits the one byte response only when the host signal DSR indicates it is ready to receive data.
When XON/XOFF RS232C communications handshaking control is selected, the printer transmits the one byte response regardless of the host signal DSR.
When Auto Status Back (ASB) is enabled using the Enable/Disable Automatic Status Back command (1D 61), the status transmitted by this command (Transmit Status) and the ASB status must be differentiated according to the information found in Recognizing Data from the Printer. This is found in the Real Time Commands section in this document.
The status bytes to be transmitted are described in the following three tables.
Unlike the A793, that had a dedicated connector and resultant dedicated status reporting for each cash drawer, the A794 has a single connector that shares data reporting from either cash drawer. When either cash drawer is open, an open status is reported by the printer.
December 1999 | 107 |