Customizing Your RC5400
12 Typically you will need to adjust the timing of the macro. Simply putting in lots of delays will make the macro work, but may make the macro unnecessarily long.
Try moving commands, so that a TV command alternates with another component command before another TV command is issued. To move a command, simply select it and use the
When a delay is added to the macro, the default timing is 0.5 seconds. If the macro works with a 0.5 second delay, try a smaller delay to shorten the macro.
When programming Channel number macros, use 0.1 second delays between different digits and 0.5 second delays between identical digits.
13 Once you are happy with the macro, press the Done button on the screen to save it.
14 Continue to program macros until you have recorded all that you plan.Congratulations!
You are now a Home Theater Automator!