Installation and User Manual
4.14Consulting StatisticsFIGURES | SINCE | COMMISSIONING |
total backup | time (h): |
| 0 | |
total time on static switch | (h): | 0 | ||
total time on UPS (d): |
| 3627 | ||
total time with Tbatt >25°C | (h): | 1 | ||
last reset: |
| 05/09/1997 | ||
elapsed | backup time (min): |
| 0 | |
total backup time (h): This is the total time of operation on battery power since initial startup of the UPS. It is expressed in hours.
total time on static | This is the total time of operation on the static switch since initial startup of the UPS. |
switch (h): | It is expressed in hours. |
total time on UPS (d): This is the total time that the load has been supplied by the UPS since initial startup. It is expressed in days.
total time with | This is the total time of operation with the battery temperature greater than 25°C |
Tbatt > 25°C (h): | since initial startup of the UPS. It is expressed in hours. |
last reset: | This is the date that the information was last set to zero by the Teleservice function. |
elapsed backup | This is the total time of operation on battery power since the last reset. It is expressed |
time (min): | in minutes. |
Operation | 4 — 19 |