[3]. Set Port PwrLimitClass.
Enabling or disabling per port power output
limit. When is enabling, per port power
output limit will follow the value that set in
power limit max.
[4] Set Port PwrLimitManag.
Enabling or disabling the port power limit
management for power supply
[5] Set Port DetectLegacy Enabling the port power legacy detect.
[6] Set Port Priority (1:C 2:H 3:L)
Set port priority for the power supply
[7] Set Power Limit Max (<15400)
Set the port power output limit value. The
maximum value must less than 15400.
[a] Auto Refresh [OFF] Enabling or disabling auto refresh system
[t] Set Total Power Limit
Set the total port power limit. When the
Power Management is enabling, this
function will show up.
[n] Next Page Switch to next page
[0] Exit Exit POE Menu mode
Save Configuration
You must save the configuration to the f lash m emory when you have changed the
configuration. Otherwise , the new conf iguration will be lost when the switch restart or
power off.