i2000 UserÕs Guide
The next screen brießy displays the remaining number of phone numbers and private IDs that you can store.
4.Enter the name that you wish to store.
5.Select ÒStoreÓ.
See Figure 2. for an example of entering a name.
98 Phone #
3 Prvt IDs
Enter Name
Exit | Store |
To store the name ÒTIMÓ:
1.Enter ÒTÓ by pressing once.
2.Enter ÒIÓ by pressing three times.
3.Enter ÒMÓ by pressing once.
Figure 2. Entering a Name
5.Enter the phone number that you want to associate with this name and select ÒStoreÓ.
To skip the Phone Number entry, select ÒSkipÓ. You will go directly to the ÒEnter Prvt ID NumberÓ screen.
Enter Phone
Skip | Store |
The next screen displays the name that you entered and a ßashing
6. Do one of the following:
TIM Spd#=3
¥To accept the
Cancl | Store |
¥ To change the
enter the desired
7.At the next screen, enter the Private ID number associated with the name that you entered then select ÒStoreÓ.
Enter PrvtID
To skip the Private ID number entry, select ÒSkipÓ.
Skip | Store |