multiprocessor support 3-19 MVME162 1-1, C-1 MVME162 block diagram 1-9 MVME162 connection diagrams 2-13 MVME162 module installation 2-10 MVME162 specifications 1-6 MVME162 switches, headers,
connectors, fuses, and LEDs 2-3 MVME162Bug 3-1
MVME162Bug debugging package (see 162Bug and debug monitor) 1-2, 2-2
MVME320 B-2
MVME323 B-3
MVME327A B-3
MVME328 B-4
MVME350 B-4
MVME374 C-1
MVME376 C-1 MVME712-12 1-1 MVME712-13 1-1 MVME712A 1-1 MVME712AM 1-1 MVME712B 1-1 MVME712M 1-1, 2-10 MVME712X 1-1
MVME712X connection diagrams 2-13 MVME712X serial ports 1-17
negation 1-8
Network Auto Boot 3-8
Network Boot Control Module 3-18 network controller data C-1 network controller modules C-1 network I/O error codes 3-18 network I/O support 3-17 Non-Volatile RAM (NVRAM) (see
Battery Backed Up RAM, BBRAM, and MK48T08) 1-14, A-3
normal address range 1-21
No-VMEbus-Interface option 1-11 numeric value 4-3
NVRAM (Non-Volatile RAM) (see Battery Backed Up RAM, BBRAM, and MK48T08) 1-14, A-3
object code 4-9 offset registers 4-6
operating environment, debugger 4-9 operational parameters A-3
option field 4-1 overview 1-1
overview of M68000 firmware 3-1
P1 1-20, 2-11
P2 1-1, 1-20, 2-11, 4-8
P2 adapter board (see adapter board) 1-1 packed decimal real format 4-19 parameters (see default 162Bug
controller and device parameters) 3-16
part numbers, SIM 2-2, 2-4 parts location diagram 2-3 port 0 or 00 4-8
port 1 or 01 4-8
port number(s) 4-1, 4-8 ports for debugging 4-8 ports used by debugger 4-10 power-up 3-20
preserving the debugger operating environment 4-9
program execution 3-19, 3-21 programmable tick timers 1-19 programs, debugging 4-9 PROM (see 27C040 PROM) 3-3 prompt, debugger 3-6 pseudo-registers 4-6