HDTV: High Definition TV provides much bet- ter resolution than TVs based on the NTSC standard of 480i. HDTVs typically show video at video resolutions of 720p and 1080i, often in addition to other resolu- tions.
horizontal band: The list of category op- tions that display in the left and right axis on the Moxi Menu.
IEEE 1394: A
infrared emitter: A device to send control signals to home theater components or any other device capable of receiving and decoding them.
movie rating: The MPAA rating system al- lows viewers to make decisions about which movies may be appropriate for chil- dren. Moxi allows setting parental con- trols based on movie ratings.
Moxi Menu: Digeo’s user interface through which consumers can explore and access live or recorded TV programming, digital music, photos, and games using a remote control.
Parental controls: A feature providing control of media viewing by restricting programming by rating and requiring the use of a PIN.
Photos: A feature that allows users to store, organize and display digital pictures. playback controls: Remote controls that
allow manipulation of your location with- in the current program. The actions in- clude: play, pause, stop,
player bar: A horizontal graphic that ap- pears in the lower part of the screen whenever you press a playback control. The bar provides information about the viewing location within the current pro- gram.
recording options: Parameters that can be altered to customize the recording. Op- tions include: start and stop times, keep duration, and more for series recordings.
S/PDIF: The Sony/Phillips Digital Interface For- mat is a set of standards for sending and receiving digital audio signals, including the connectors used by the input and out- put digital audio devices.
SD: Standard definition is the screen resolu- tion (480 interlaced lines) of most stan- dard TVs.
series priority: Used by Moxi to determine which series to record when more than two air at the same time.
slideshow: The playback of photo albums stored in your Moxi.
slow motion: Use slow motion on any pro- gram to view a show at very slow speed. Activate it by pressing pause, and then pressing the