AppendixC CommonQuestions
©NationalInstruments Corporation C-3 6023E/6024E/6025EUser Manual
deglitching filterto remove some of these glitches, depending on the
frequencyand natu re of your output signal.
Can I synchronize a one-channel analog input data acquisition with a
one-channela nalog output waveformgeneration on my PCI E Series
Yes.One way to accomplish this is to use the waveform generation timing
pulsesto control t he analog input data acquisition. Todo this, follow steps
1 through 4 below,in addition to the usual steps for data acquisition and
waveformgeneration configuration.
1. Enable the PFI5 line for output, as follows:
If you are using NI-DAQ,call
If you are using LabVIEW,invoke the Route Signal VI with the
signal name set to PFI5 and the signal source set to AOUpdate.
2. Set up data acquisition timing so that the timing signal for A/D
conversioncomes from PFI5, as follows:
If you are using NI-DAQ,call
Ifyou are using LabVIEW, invokeAI Clock Config VI with clock
sourcecode set to PFI pin, high to low, and clock source string set
to 5.
3. Initiate analog input data acquisition, which starts only when the
analog output waveformgeneration starts.
4. Initiateanalog output waveform generation.
Timing and Digital I/O
Whattypes of triggering can be hardware-implemented on my device?
Digitalt riggering is hardware-supportedon every device.
Willthe counter/ timer applications that I wrote previously work with
the DAQ-STC?
Ifyou are using NI-DAQ with LabVIEW,some of your app lications drawn
usingthe CTR VIs will still run. However, there are many differences in the
counters between the E Series and other devices;the counter numbers are
different,timebase selections are different, and the DAQ-STC counters are