©NationalInstruments Corporation G-7 6023E/6024E/6025EUser Manual
IOL current, output low
IRQ interrupt request
Kkkilo—the standard metric prefix for 1,000, or 103, used with units of
measure such as volts,hertz ,and m eters
Kkilo—the prefixfor 1,024, or 210,used with B in quan tifying data or
kS 1,000 samples
LLabVIEW laboratoryvirtual instrument engineering workbench
LED light-emittingdiode
library afile containing compiled object modules, each comprised of one of more
functions,that can be linked to other object modules that make use of these
functions. NIDAQMSC.LIBis a library that contains NI-DAQ functions.
TheNI-DAQ function set is broken down into object modules so that only
theobject modules that are relevantto your application are linked in, while
those object modules that are not relevantare not linked.
linearity the adherence of deviceresponse to the equation R = KS, where
R = response, S = stimulus, and K = a constant
LSB leastsignificant bit
MMIO multifunctionI/O
MSB mostsignificantbit