Chapter1 Introduction
6023E/6024E/6025EUser Manual 1-2
Thesedevices can interface to an SCXI systemthe instrumentation front
endfor plug-in DAQ devicesso that you can acquire analog signals from
thermocouples,RTDs, strain gauges, voltage sources, and current sources.
Youcan also acquire or generate digital signals for communication and
Using PXI with CompactPCI
UsingPXI compatible products with standard CompactPCI products is an
importantfeature provided by PXI Specificatio n, Revision 1.0. If you use a
PXIcompatible plug-in card in a standard CompactPCI chassis, you cannot
use PXI-specific functions, but you can still use the basic plug-in card
functions. For example, the RTSI bus on your PXI E Series device is
available in a PXI chassis, but not in a CompactPCI chassis.
The CompactPCI specificationpermits vendors to develop sub-buses that
coexistwith the basic PCI interface on the CompactPCI bus. Compatible
operation isnot guaranteed between CompactPCI devices with different
sub-busesnor between Compact PCI deviceswith sub-buses and PXI.
The standard implementation for CompactPCI does not include these
sub-buses.Your PXI E Series device works in any standard CompactPCI
chassisadhering to PICMG CompactPCI 2.0 R2.1 core specification.
PXI specificfeatures are implemented on the J2 c onnector of the
CompactPCIbus. Table 3-3, Pins Used by PXI E Series Device, lists the J2
pinsused by your PXI E Seriesdevice. YourPXI device is compatible with
anyCompact PCI chassis with a sub-bus that does not drive these lines.
Evenif the sub-bus is capable of driving these lines, the PXI device is still
compatibleas long as those pins on the sub-bus are disabled by default and
notever enabled. Damage can result if these lines are driven by the sub-bus.
What You Need to Get Started
To set up and use your device, you need the following:
Oneof the following devices: