Chapter4 SignalConnections
©NationalInstruments Corporation 4-41 6023E/6024E/6025EUser Manual
As ano utput, the WFTRIG signal reflects the trigger that initiates
waveformgeneration. This is true evenif the waveform generation is
externallytriggered by another PFI. The output is an active high pulse with
ap ulse width of 50 to 100 ns. This output is set to high impedance at
Figures 4-30 and 4-31 showthe input and outp ut timing requirements for
the WFTRIG signal.
Figure4-30. WFTRIG Input Signal Timing
Figure4-31. WFTRIG Output Signal Timing
UPDATE*SignalAnyPFI pin can externally i nput the UPDATE* signal, which is available
asan ou tput on the PFI5/UPDATE* pin.
Asan input, the UPDATE*signal is configured in the edge-detection mode.
Youcan select any PFI pin as the source for UPDATE*and configure the
polarityselection f or either rising or falling edge. The selected edge of the
UPDATE*signal updates the outputs of the DACs. In order to use
UPDATE*,you must set the DACs to posted-update mode.
tw=10 ns minimum
tw=50-100 ns