AppendixA Specificationsfor PCI and PXI Buses
6023E/6024E/6025EUser Manual A-10 ni.com
I/O connector
6023E/6024E...................................68-pin male SCSI-IItype
6025E...............................................100-pinfemale 0.05D type
Operating EnvironmentAmbienttemperature ..............................0 to 55 °C
Relative humidity ...................................10to 90% noncondensing
♦PXI-6025E only
Functionalshock .....................................MIL-T-28800 E Class 3 (per
Section4. Half-sine shock
pulse, 11 ms duration, 30 g peak,
30 shocks per face
Operationalrandom vibration .................5 to 500 Hz, 0.31 grms, 3 axes
Storage EnvironmentAmbienttemperature ..............................–20 to 70 °C
Relative humidity ...................................5%to 95% noncondensing
♦PXI-6025E only
Non-operational random vibration .........5 to 500 Hz, 2.5 grms, 3 axes
Note Random vibration profilesfor the PXI-6025E were developed in accordance with
MIL-T-28800Eand MIL-STD-810E Method 514. Test levels exceed those recommended
in MIL-STD-810E for Category1, Basic Transportation.