Firewall Protection
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
LAN Users These settings apply to a LAN WAN inbound rule when the WAN
mode is classical routing, and determine which computers on
your network are affected by this rule. The options are:
Any. All computers and devices on your LAN.
Single address. Enter the required address in the Start field to
apply the rule to a single device on your LAN.
Address range. Enter the required addresses in the Start and
Finish fields to apply the rule to a range of devices.
Group. Select the LAN group to which the rule applies. Use
the LAN Groups screen to assign computers to groups (see
Manage the Network Database on page 92). Groups apply
only to IPv4 rules.
IP Group. Select the IP group to which the rule applies. Use
the IP Groups screen to assign IP addresses to groups. See
Create IP Groups on page 174.
Note: For IPv4 LAN WAN inbound rules, this field does not
apply when the WAN mode is NAT because your network
presents only one IP address to the Internet.
LAN WAN rules
LAN DMZ rules
WAN Users The settings that determine which Internet locations are covered
by the rule, based on their IP address. The options are:
Any. All Internet IP addresses are covered by this rule.
Single address. Enter the required address in the Start field.
Address range. Enter the required addresses in the Start and
Finish fields.
IP Group. Select the IP group to which the rule applies. Use
the IP Groups screen to assign IP addresses to groups. See
Create IP Groups on page 174.
LAN WAN rules
DMZ WAN rules
DMZ Users The settings that determine which DMZ computers on the DMZ
network are affected by this rule. The options are:
Any. All computers and devices on your DMZ network.
Single address. Enter the required address in the Start field to
apply the rule to a single computer on the DMZ network.
Address range. Enter the required addresses in the Start and
Finish fields to apply the rule to a range of DMZ computers.
Note: For IPv4 DMZ WAN inbound rules, this field does not
apply when the WAN mode is NAT because your network
presents only one IP address to the Internet.
DMZ WAN rules
LAN DMZ rules
Table 33. Inbound rules overview (continued)
Setting Description Inbound Rules