Firewall Protection
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308
3. Enter the settings as explained in the following table:
4. Click Apply to save your settings.
Table 35. Session Limit screen settings
Setting Description
Session Limit
Session Limit Control From the drop-down list, select one of the following options:
When single IP exceeds. When the limit is reached, no new session is allowed
from the IP address. A new session is allowed only when an existing session is
terminated or times out.
Single IP Cannot Exceed. When the limit is reached, no new session is allowed
from the IP address for a specified period, or all sessions from the IP address are
terminated and new sessions are blocked for a specified period. You need to
specify the action and period by selecting one of the following radio buttons:
- Block IP to add new session for. No new session is allowed from the IP
address for a period. In the time field, specify the period in seconds.
- Block IP's all connections for. All sessions from the IP address are
terminated, and new sessions are blocked for a period. In the time field,
specify the period in seconds.
User Limit Parameter From the User Limit Parameter drop-down list, select one of the following options:
Percentage of Max Sessions. A percentage of the total session connection
capacity of the VPN firewall.
Number of Sessions. An absolute number of maximum sessions.
User Limit Enter a number to indicate the user limit. Note the following:
• If the User Limit Parameter is set to Percentage of Max Sessions, the number
specifies the maximum number of sessions that are allowed from a single-source
device as a percentage of the total session connection capacity of the VPN
firewall. (The session limit is per-device based.)
• If the User Limit Parameter is set to Number of Sessions, the number specifies
an absolute value.
Note: Some protocols such as FTP and RSTP create two sessions per connection,
which you should consider when you configure a session limit.
Total Number of
Packets Dropped due
to Session Limit
This is a nonconfigurable counter that displays the total number of dropped packets
when the session limit is reached.
Session Timeout
TCP Timeout For each protocol, specify a time-out in seconds. A session expires if no data for
the session is received for the duration of the time-out period. The default time-out
periods are 1200 seconds for TCP sessions, 180 seconds for UDP sessions, and
8 seconds for ICMP sessions.
UDP Timeout
ICMP Timeout