Firewall Protection
ProSafe Gigabit Quad WAN SSL VPN Firewall SRX5308

Figure 108.

3. Enter the settings as explained in the following table.4. Click Apply to save your settings. The new QoS profile is added to the List of QoS Profiles table.

Table 38. Add QoS Profile screen settings

Setting Description
Profile Name A descriptive name of the QoS profile for identification and management purposes.
Re-Mark Select the Re-Mark check box to set the Differentiated Services (DiffServ) mark in the
Type of Service (ToS) byte of an IP header by specifying the QoS type (IP precedence
or DHCP) and QoS value. If you clear the Re-Mark check box (which is the default
setting), the QoS profile is specified only by the QoS priority.
QoS From the QoS drop-down list, select one of the following traffic
classification methods:
IP Precedence. A legacy method that sets the priority in the ToS
byte of an IP header.
DSCP. A method that sets the Differentiated Services Code Point
(DSCP) in the Differentiated Services (DS) field (which is the same
as the ToS byte) of an IP header.
QoS Value The QoS value in the ToS or DiffServ byte of an IP header. The QoS
value that you enter depends on your selection from the QoS
drop-down list:
• For IP Precedence, select a value from 0 to 7.
• For DSCP, select a value from 1 to 63.
QoS Priority The QoS priority represents the classification level of the packet among the priority
queues within the VPN firewall. If you select Default, packets are mapped based on
the ToS bits in their IP headers.
From the QoS Priority drop-down list, select one of the following priority queues:
• Default
• High
• Medium High
• Medium
• Low