RangeMax™ Wireless-N Gigabit Router with USB WNR3500L User Manual

trusted user 3-5typographical conventions xi


Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) 6-13up time, system 4-8

upgrading router software 4-1


router main menu 1-2typography for xi

usage statistics 4-8


advanced configuration 7-7basic storage settings 7-4drive requirements 7-1file sharing 7-2

network folder, creating 7-9ReadyShare Access 7-6,7-10specifying approved devices 7-11unmounting a USB drive 7-10

USB drive

Microsoft network connection 7-12remote computer connection 7-12

user-defined services 3-7



attached devices 4-9logs 3-9

status 4-4


WAN IP address, troubleshooting 8-6WAN setup 5-7

WDS 5-22

WDS (see Wireless Repeating) 5-21

Web Configuration Interface, troubleshooting 8-5WEP, configuring 2-6

wildcards, DNS and 5-6


manually configuring settings 2-4range and interference 2-2

wireless card, setting up 8-11wireless connection type 6-1

wireless connection, troubleshooting 8-10Wireless Distribution System (WDS) 5-21Wireless light, troubleshooting and 8-5wireless network name 4-6,8-12wireless port settings 4-6

wireless radio 2-16,4-6,8-14Wireless Repeating 5-21

wireless repeating 5-21,5-22base station 5-23repeater unit 5-24

wireless repeating function 5-21,5-22wireless security 2-13

wireless settings checking for correct 8-2default, listed A-2testing 8-11

WMM (Wi-Fi Multimedia) 6-8WPA, configuring 2-8


v1.0, November 2009

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NETGEAR WNR3500L-100NAS user manual Index-5