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VI Basic Operations






1 Preparations Before Photographing



Auto change CCD mode

Select "Auto change CCD mode" for automatic adjustment of the CCD mode to match the camera shutter speed when the source is set to maximum resolution ("s5M" for 5M cameras or "s2M" for 2M cameras).

This mode lets you observe bright subjects at high speed or dark subjects at high resolution without manually adjusting the display mode.

However, note that the display mode will not adjust automatically when set to maximum

resolution ("5Mi" for 5M cameras or "2Mfull" for 2M cameras) or C.Scan.


Specifically, the display mode is adjusted as follows:



5M cameras







(Shutter speed: 1/3 second)





(Shutter speed: 1/7 second)



2M cameras







(Shutter speed: 1/7 second)





(Shutter speed: 1/15 second)
