Chapter 3 Upgrading to BCM 4.0 and SRG 1.5 29
Upgrade Wizard BCM status indicators
The indicators in the BCM Status box on the transfer/upgrade page change as the transfer and upgrade process progresses (see Figure 12 and Table 3).
Figure 12 BCM status indicators
Indicate the current state of BCM connectivity and service availability
Table 3 BCM status indicators
BCM Connection | LEDs | BCM Services |
• indicates that the application is connected to the | Green | • indicates that the BCM is functioning and is |
BCM system and can communicate with it. |
| providing all expected capabilities. |
• appears if there is no connection available to the | Red | • appears during periods when there is no |
BCM system, which is normal during some stages |
| access to services on the BCM system. |
of the upgrade process. |
| • appears any time the BCM Connection |
| |
• appears during any reboot that occurs during the |
| indicator is red. |
upgrade. |
| • appears once the system modifications begin. |
| |
• appears if the network connection is disconnected |
| It remains red until the upgrade is complete |
between your computer and the BCM system. |
| and all the services have restarted. |
• appears if the BCM system is powered down or in |
| Note: This LED is generally red from the start of |
the middle of a power cycle. |
| the upgrade process through to completion. |
Upgrade Guide