20Chapter 3 Upgrading to BCM 4.0 and SRG 1.5
Upgrading an SRG 1.0 system to SRG 1.5
The Survivable Remote Gateway 1.0 system is a peripheral of the Communication Server 1000 (CS 1000) but leverages the BCM200/400 core software to act as a remote gateway for the Main Office. Because of this dependency, the upgrade path for SRG 1.0 to SRG 1.5 leverages the BCM
4.0Upgrade Wizard and upgrade process but requires the unique SRG 1.0 to SRG 1.5 upgrade kit (NTDU98AA) that includes the SRG 1.0 to SRG 1.5 authorization code.
The upgrade method for SRG 1.0 to SRG 1.5 is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 SRG 1.0 to SRG 1.5 upgrade method
SRG 1.0 system
SRG 1.5 upgrade keycode
BCM 4.0 Upgrade CDs
Perform upgrade
SRG 1.5 system
SRG 1.0 systems require the SRG 1.0 to SRG 1.5 authorization code. The BCM 3.6, BCM 3.7, or BCM 4.0 authorization code will not ensure that system is properly enabled for SRG 1.5.
Performing the BCM 4.0 and SRG 1.5 upgrade
Once the Upgrade Wizard is started, the upgrade process takes approximately 60 to 90 minutes to complete under ideal conditions; some systems may perform the upgrade faster or slower. The system services are down during that period, so ensure that you notify your users of the outage.
If you encounter condition message during the upgrade, refer to Appendix A, “Troubleshooting,” on page 39.
You are now ready to start the upgrade.
Warning: Your system will be
Warning: Do not disturb the upgrade process once it starts as this may lead to upgrade issues, even though the upgrade process has features to minimize the chance of data loss.