Application Call Processing Engine Log Messages (9442) 61
0003/0001 Message: ACPE error. Unable to initialize; duplicate datafill detected during executor initialization: [duplicate_data_string] reading SDM table: [table_name].
Description: This log is generated if a duplicate string is detected by the ACPE when reading an SDM table. This means there is ambiguous reference in the datafill. The ACPE can not go into a working state.
Action: Change the datafill for one of the entries. (The location of the duplicate data is given. The first occurrence of the data string is not specified.)
0003/0002 Message: ACPE error. Unable to initialize; unresolved reference: [offending_reference] in SDM table: [table_name].
Description: This log is generated when datafill in the specified table references a symbol that cannot be found. The ACPE cannot go into a working state.
Action: The unresolved reference must be corrected. (The locations in which the search took place are unspecified.)
0003/0003 Message: ACPE error. Unable to initialize SDM table: [table name] is too large. Maximum size is [number_of_entries].
Description: This log is generated when the number of entries in a table exceeds the maximum. The existing data structure is unable to hold all the data.
Action: Reduce the size of the table. The maximum table size is hard coded and cannot be changed.
0003/0004 Message: ACPE detected Voice Interface error. [Error_type_detected]. Source of error was Voice Interface SRU located at cabinet [number], slot [number], channel [number]. VI error code: [decimal], Executor Involved: [executor_name].
Description: This log is generated when the Voice Interface (VI) returns an error condition that is not caused by user interaction. The call is usually aborted. The [error_type_detected] gives a brief description of the error.
Action: No action. If the problem persists, it may be necessary to change the specified voice channel or the whole SRU.
0003/0005 Message: ACPE error. A parameter error was detected by the executor [executor_name]. Debugging Information: [parameter/value].
Description: This log is generated when an executor detects an error in an input parameter.
Action: Contact NT
0003/0006 Message: ACPE error. An attempt was made to concatenate two different coding methods. The prompts were: [segment_file_1] and [segment_file_2]. Debugging Information: [parameter/value].
Description: This log is generated when a
Action: Record all information and report the problem to NT.
0003/0008 Message: ACPE error. An attempt has been made to allocate more [procedure_variable_type] procedures than the associated data structure can hold. This indicates that there was an error while creating the ACPE. The maximum number of provars permitted in the structure is [number].