Application Call Processing Engine Log Messages (9442) 63
0003/000F Message: ACPE error. Unable to allocate T1 channel for call. Call was rejected. The CLLI of the DMS from which the call originated was [DMS_CLLI]. The voice channel on which the call was received was [channel_id]. Debugging Information: T1RM code: [decimal].
Description: This log is generated by the T1 Resource Manager when it is unable to allocate T1 resources for the call. The T1RM return code is given.
Action: No action is required.
0003/0010 Message: ACPE error. Unable to connect VI channel to voice channel via the VNM. Debugging Information: VNM code: [decimal].
Description: This log is generated by the Voice Network Manager when it is unable to connect the T1 to the VI. The VNM return code is given.
Action: No action is required, but the error should be reported to NT.
0003/0011 Message: ACPE error. Unable to release VI speech slave in cabinet [cabinet_number], slot [slot_number] and channel [channel_id]. Debugging Information: VI code: [decimal].
Description: This log is generated by the VI. It is automatically reported to the VI Resource Manager. It may indicate problems with the VI channel.
Action: No action is required.
0003/0012 Message: ACPE error. Error encountered while attempting to release the voice bus slots being used by both the VI channel at cabinet [cabinet_number], slot [slot_number] and channel [channel_id] and a T1 channel. Debugging Information: VNM error code: [decimal].
Description: This log is generated by the Voice Network Manager (VNM) when it determines that slots have not been allocated for the T1 and VI. This assessment by the VNM may not be accurate. The log indicates that the release of the voice bus slots failed.
Action: No action is required.
0003/0013 Message: ACPE error. Error encountered while attempting to release a T1 channel. Debugging Information: T1RM error code: [decimal].
Description: This log is generated when unexpected code is received by the T1 Resource Manager during a release attempt.
Action: No action is required.
0003/0014 Message: ACPE error. Error encountered while attempting to release THE VI channel at cabinet [cabinet_number], slot [slot_number], channel [channel_id]. VIRM error code: [decimal].
Status Description: This log is generated when unexpected code is received by the AudToMem routine. This error may indicate a memory problem.
Action: No action is required.
0003/0015 Message: ACPE error. Unable to load prompts from audio files. The error was not an I/O error. Error code from routine AudToMem: [decimal].
Status Description: This log is generated when unexpected code is received by the VI Resource Manager during a release attempt.
Action: Contact NT immediately.
0003/0016 Message: no locality processing available for current call