62 Application Call Processing Engine Log Messages (9442)
Description: This log is generated when to many procedure variables have been added to the ACPE data structure. The ACPE will not load.
Action: Record all information and report the problem to NT.
0003/0009 Message: ACPE error. A software error has been detected. See the debug information for details. Debugging Information: [parameter/value].
Description: This log is generated when there is an error in the code.
Action: Record all information and report the problem to NT.
0003/000A Message: ACPE error. The maximum number of OMs, [number], which may be declared in the SDM table [table_name] has been exceeded.
Description: This log is generated when there are too many entries in a specific table.
Action: Record all information and report the problem to NT.
0003/000B Message: ACPE error. An unknown action string [offending_string] has been found in the SDM table [table_name]. As a result the ACPE will not load.
Description: This log is generated when an unknown screening code action has been specified in an SDM table. The ACPE will not load.
Action: Correct the screening code error using the help information in the table editor.
0003/000C Message: ACPE error. An invalid screening code [offending_code] has been found in the SDM table [table_name]. As a result the ACPE will not load.
Description: This log is generated when an invalid screening code action has been specified in an SDM table. The ACPE will not load.
Action: Correct the screening code error using the help information in the table editor.
0003/000D Message: ACPE error. The silence prompt for PCM/MPLPC was not loaded but was referenced.
Description: This log is generated when a silence should be played between concatenated prompts but has not been loaded. The ACPE will not load.
Action: Record all information and report the problem to NT. The silence must be loaded or all references to the silence must be deleted.
0003/000E Message: ACPE error. Unable to allocate VI channel for call. Call was rejected. The template set requested was [template_name]. Debugging Information: VIRM code: [decimal].
Description: This log is generated when there are no VI channels available to handle the call. Typically this log means that some channels are out of service.
NOTE: This log occurs very often when channels are out of service, therefore thresholding has been set at 100 over a period of two minutes. Thresholding can be changed to suit the conditions.
Action: Restore the VI channels that are down. If more than eight channels are down, the SRU may be faulty. If the SRU is faulty replace it with the spare. If the channels will be down for an extended period, the thresholding can be changed or the whole log suppressed.