Domain Monitoring and Administration
This Chapter contains information on the Oracle VM Server domain lifecycle, monitoring and administration. It contains:
You can use Oracle VM Manager to monitor domains running on Oracle VM Server, or you can use the xm command. See the Oracle VM Manager User’s Guide for information on using Oracle VM Manager to manage domains.
5.1 Domain Lifecycle
There are a number of states in which a domain may exist. They are:
Starting (initializing)
Stopping (shutting down)
Powered off (stopped)
A start operation can take the domain from the stopped (powered down) state to the paused state, or the running state. From the running state, a suspend action takes the domain to the suspended state, and a resume operation takes it back to the running state. The transition to and from the suspended state could also happen from the paused state.
A domain in the running state could go to the paused state through the pause command, and return to the running state by the resume command. A domain in the running state could transition into the stopped state through a clean, or hard shut down.
5.2 Using the xm Command-Line Interface
You can create, destroy, manage and migrate domains using the xm
xm [option] [argument]
For example, to pause a domain, enter
xm pause mydomain
Domain Monitoring and Administration