Clip management (continued)Copying clips

Clips can be copied onto the P2 card in the other P2 card slot.

While clips are being copied, do not turn off the power or eject the card. Otherwise, defective clips will be produced. If defective clips are produced, delete them, and copy the original clips again.

Copy incomplete clips after having connected them.

1 Display the thumbnail display screen.

2 Select the clip to be copied.

3 Press [MENU/MODE CHK].

4 Using , and , select “OPERATION”

“COPY” – “SLOT n” (where “n” is the number of the P2 card slot into which the copy destination P2 card was inserted), and press .

5 Select “YES”, and press .

Clip copying now starts.

6 When the completion message has appeared, press “OK” ().

Clips cannot be copied when any of the following error messages are displayed.


Clips will not be copied because there is not enough space left on the destination P2 card.


Clips will not be copied because the selected clips include defective clips.


Clips will not be copied because an attempt is being made to copy clips to the same card.


Clips will not be copied because too many clips have been selected.

You can extract and copy a portion or subset of a clip. If you start copying while selecting a text memo at the bottom of the text memo screen, the block between the selected text memo position and the next text memo is copied. If there is no text memo after the selected text memo, the block from the text memo position to the end of the clip will be copied.

To stop the copying process at any time, press

and select [YES] to cancel the copying. The partially copied clip at the copy destination will be deleted.

If there is a clip with the same GLOBAL CLIP ID-- one which, for instance, was previously copied to the copy destination--“OVER WRITE” will appear. To overwrite the existing clip, select “YES” or to

cancel the overwriting, select “NO”, and press . (When you copy some portion of a clip which has been recorded on a multiple number of P2 cards, “OVER WRITE” also appears when copying the remaining portion of the clip.)

Clips displayed by the X defective clip indicator cannot be copied.

It may not be possible to copy clips for which the

?unknown clip indicator is displayed.