Clip management (continued)

Adding the meta-data to clips

If the meta-data upload file which contains the name of shooter or reporter, shooting location or text memo information is saved on the SD card, it can be loaded and recorded as clip meta-data.

Create the meta-data upload file on a PC

Save it on a SD card

Load the meta-data upload file onto this unit

When images are recorded, the meta-data is added to the clip.

Preparation of the meta-data upload file

You can create the meta-data upload file on a PC using the P2 viewer (the latest updated version). You can also create meta-data upload files using the P2 Contents Management System (P2CMS) software, on either a Windows or Macintosh computer.

The P2 viewer is an application to operate clips recorded on the P2 card. Distributed as free software, this is used on a Windows PC.

Install the P2 viewer or P2 Contents Management System (P2CMS) software (the latest updated version) to PC, create the meta-data upload file and write it onto the SD card.

P2 viewer must be the latest updated version.

For details on creating the meta-data upload file, refer to Help section of the P2 viewer. For SD cards, refer to page 33.