Panasonic CS-KS18B4UW & CZ-18BT1U, CU-KS18NKUA, CU-KS12NK1A When Servicing, Others, accidentally

Models: CS-KS18B4UW & CZ-18BT1U CS-KS12NB41 & CZ-18BT1U CU-KS12NK1A CU-KS18NKUA

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When Servicing


‡$SSO\UHIULJHUDQWOXEULFDQWWRWKHPDWFKLQJVXUIDFHVRI the flare and union tubes before connecting them, then tighten the nut with a torque wrench for a leak- free connection.


‡'RQRWOHDNUHIULJHUDQWZKLOHSLSLQJZRUNIRUDQLQVWDOODWLRQ or re-installation, and while repairing refrigeration parts. Handle liquid refrigerant carefully as it may cause frost- bite.

When Servicing

‡7XUQWKHSRZHU2)) DWWKHPDLQSRZHUER[ PDLQV before opening the unit to check or repair electrical parts and wiring.


‡&OHDQXSWKHVLWHDIWHU\RXILQLVKUHPHPEHULQJWRFKHFN that no metal scraps or bits of wiring have been left inside the unit being serviced.



‡9HQWLODWHDQ\HQFORVHGDUHDVZKHQLQVWDOOLQJRUWHVWLQJ the refrigeration system. Escaped refrigerant gas, on contact with fire or heat, can produce dangerously toxic gas.

‡&RQILUPXSRQFRPSOHWLQJLQVWDOODWLRQWKDWQRUHIULJHUDQW gas is leaking. If escaped gas comes in contact with a

stove, gas water heater, electric room heater or other heat source, it can produce dangerously toxic gas. Others


fins of the outdoor unit. You may get injured.




You may be injured and the unit may be damaged.


The illustrations are based on the typical appearance of a standard model. Consequently, the shape may differ from that of the air conditioner that you are installing.


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Image 91
Panasonic CS-KS18B4UW & CZ-18BT1U When Servicing, Others, fins of the outdoor unit. You may get injured, accidentally