Panasonic DMR-ES30V operating instructions Playing while you are recording, Chasing play

Models: DMR-ES30V

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Playing while you are recording



Press [TIME SLIP] while recording; play starts from 30 seconds

Sound is not output while fast-forwarding.

previous to that moment. You can start play from even earlier by

specifying an amount of time to skip on the time indicator.


Chasing play

You can start play from the beginning of the title while continuing to record it.

While recording or timer recording

Press [1, PLAY].

Play starts while recording proceeds.

For your reference

Play cannot be started until at least 2 seconds after recording starts.

Simultaneous recording and play

[1]While recording or timer recording

Press [TIME SLIP].

The PIP screen (images being currently recorded) is displayed.

On the main screen, play starts from 30 seconds previous to that moment. You will hear the playback






0 min






(1)Play images

(30 seconds before)

(2)Currently recording


You can play a title previously recorded while you are recording another title.

[1]While recording or timer recording

Press [DIRECT NAVIGATOR]. (l 31)

¥: Currently recording






***01 25.10. MON

***01 25.10. MON

***01 26.10. TUE

- -

- -

- -

[2]Use [3, 4, 2, 1] to select a title and press [ENTER].

Play starts while recording proceeds.

To exit the Direct Navigator screen


For your reference

During simultaneous recording and play, you cannot edit or erase titles with the Direct Navigator or playlists.

Even if you start play while the unit is on standby for timer recording, recording starts when the time you set is reached.

[2] While observing the time


indicator at the top right

–5 min

Press [3, 4] to set an


amount of time to skip


and press [ENTER].


Play skips the amount of time


you specified.


The time indicator will go off after about 5 seconds, but will turn

on again when you set the time.

Press [3, 4] to alter in 1-minute units. Press and hold [3, 4] to alter in 10-minute units.

To show the play images in full

Press [TIME SLIP].

Press [TIME SLIP] to return to the PIP screen.

For your reference

The image on the PIP screen may be distorted or flicker depending on the scene. However, this does not affect the image recorded.

To stop play and recording

[1] Press [, STOP]. Play stops.

(Wait 2 or more seconds.)

[2] Press [, STOP]. Recording stops.

You cannot stop recording with [, STOP] during timer recording. To stop timer recording, press [, TIMER].

-You can also press and hold [] on the DVD main unit for 3 or more seconds to stop timer recording.

Playing/Recording VHS while recording

You can play or record tapes while recording. The recording will not be affected.

VHS playback (l 49) VHS recording (l 51)

-When a tuner channel is recorded on DVD, you can record the other channel on VHS.



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Panasonic DMR-ES30V operating instructions Playing while you are recording, Chasing play, Simultaneous recording and play