Panasonic DMR-ES30V operating instructions DVD Sound, DVD Play

Models: DMR-ES30V

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DVD Sound




No sound.

Check the connections and “Digital Audio Output” settings. Check the input mode on the


14, 15,

Low volume.

amplifier if you have connected one.



Distorted sound.

Press [AUDIO] to select the audio.



Cannot hear the desired audio

Set “V.S.S.” in the Sound menu to “Off” in the following cases.




- When using discs that do not have surround sound effects such as Karaoke discs.




- When playing bilingual broadcast titles.




The disc may have a restriction on the method of audio output. Some multi-channel DVD-



Audio discs prohibit down-mixing. If this is the case, this unit can only output the front two




channels. Refer to the disc’s jacket. [DVD-A]



Cannot switch audio.

You cannot change the audio type when a DVD-R, a DVD-RW (DVD-Video format) or a +R is


in the disc tray.




You cannot change the audio type when playing a DVD-R, a DVD-RW (DVD-Video format) or



a +R. (You can select “M 1” or “M 2” in “Bilingual Audio Selection” in the SETUP menu before







You have used a digital connection. Set “Dolby Digital” to “PCM” or connect using audio


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cables (analog connection).




There are discs whose audio cannot be changed because of how the disc was created.



You cannot change the audio while you use the TP channel.







DVD Play








Play fails to start even when

Insert the disc correctly with the label facing up.



[1, PLAY] is pressed.

The disc is dirty.



Play starts but then stops

You tried to play a blank disc or a disc that is unplayable on the unit.


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You tried to play a +RW that needs to be finalized on the equipment used for recording.



When recording to DVD-RAM using “EP (8Hours)” mode, play may not be possible on DVD



players that are compatible with DVD-RAM. In this case use “EP (6Hours)” mode.



Audio and video momentarily

This occurs between playlist chapters.



This occurs as scenes change during Quick View.



DVD-Video is not played.

Some DVD-Video cannot be played when you change the ratings level.



Alternative soundtrack and

Multiple languages are not recorded on the disc.


subtitles cannot be selected.

You may have to use the disc’s own menus to select languages.


No subtitles.

Subtitles are not recorded on the disc.



Set “Subtitle” in the Disc menu to “On”.



Angle cannot be changed.

This function depends on software availability. Angles can only be changed during scenes


where different angles are recorded.



You have forgotten your ratings

With the tray open, keep pressing [¥, REC] and [1/k1.3] on DVD side of the main unit



simultaneously for about 5 or more seconds.



Quick View does not work.

This does not work when audio is other than Dolby Digital.



This does not work when recording is in XP or FR mode.


The resume play function does

This function only works when the indicator on the right appears in the


not work.

unit display.




Memorized positions are canceled when the unit is turned off or when



the tray is opened. The memorized position on the playlist is also




canceled when the playlist and title are edited.



The Video CD picture does not

When connecting to Multi-system TV, select “NTSC” in “TV System” in the SETUP menu.



display properly.

When connecting to PAL TV, the lower part of the picture cannot be displayed correctly during





Time Slip does not work.

Time Slip does not work when the unit’s “TV System” settings are different from the title




recorded on the disc.









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Panasonic DMR-ES30V operating instructions DVD Sound, DVD Play