Convenient functions | DVD |
≥Underlined items are the factory default settings.
Remote Control (l 17)
[MODE 1] [MODE 2] [MODE 3]
Clock (l 46)
Power Save
[On] [Off]]
On | The power consumption is greatly reduced when the |
| unit is turned off. |
| ≥“FL Display” (l 42) is automatically set to |
| “Automatic”. |
| ≥The “Quick Start” (l right) function does not work. |
| (It is automatically turned to “Off”.) |
| ≥The power save function is not activated when |
| either DVD or VHS is in the standby mode. |
Off | The power consumption is not reduced when the unit |
| is turned off. |
≥If “Quick Start” (l right) is set to “On”, “Power Save” is automatically turned to “Off”.
Quick Start
1 Sec. Quick Start for Recording on
°From the power off state, recording on
Power consumption is also higher when the unit is turned off if this is set to “On”.
[On] [Off]
≥If this is set to “On”, “Power Save” is automatically turned to “Off”.
Country (l 16)
[Australia] [New Zealand] [Others]
Shipping Condition
All the settings except for the ratings level including the password and time settings return to the factory preset. The timer recording programmes are also cancelled.
[Yes] [No]
Default Settings
All the settings other than the programmed channels, time settings, country settings, disc language settings, rating level including the password and remote control code return to the factory presets.
[Yes] [No]
Language code list
Abkhazian: | 6566 | Chinese: | 9072 | Hausa: | 7265 | Lithuanian: | 7684 | Romanian: | 8279 | Telugu: | 8469 |
Afar: | 6565 | Corsican: | 6779 | Hebrew: | 7387 | Macedonian: | 7775 | Russian: | 8285 | Thai: | 8472 |
Afrikaans: | 6570 | Croatian: | 7282 | Hindi: | 7273 | Malagasy: | 7771 | Samoan: | 8377 | Tibetan: | 6679 |
Albanian: | 8381 | Czech: | 6783 | Hungarian: | 7285 | Malay: | 7783 | Sanskrit: | 8365 | Tigrinya: | 8473 |
Ameharic: | 6577 | Danish: | 6865 | Icelandic: | 7383 | Malayalam: | 7776 | Scots Gaelic: | 7168 | Tonga: | 8479 |
Arabic: | 6582 | Dutch: | 7876 | Indonesian: | 7378 | Maltese: | 7784 | Serbian: | 8382 | Turkish: | 8482 |
Armenian: | 7289 | English: | 6978 | Interlingua: | 7365 | Maori: | 7773 | 8372 | Turkmen: | 8475 | |
Assamese: | 6583 | Esperanto: | 6979 | Irish: | 7165 | Marathi: | 7782 | Shona: | 8378 | Twi: | 8487 |
Aymara: | 6589 | Estonian: | 6984 | Italian: | 7384 | Moldavian: | 7779 | Sindhi: | 8368 | Ukrainian: | 8575 |
Azerbaijani: | 6590 | Faroese: | 7079 | Japanese: | 7465 | Mongolian: | 7778 | Singhalese: | 8373 | Urdu: | 8582 |
Bashkir: | 6665 | Fiji: | 7074 | Javanese: | 7487 | Nauru: | 7865 | Slovak: | 8375 | Uzbek: | 8590 |
Basque: | 6985 | Finnish: | 7073 | Kannada: | 7578 | Nepali: | 7869 | Slovenian: | 8376 | Vietnamese: | 8673 |
Bengali, Bangla: | 6678 | French: | 7082 | Kashmiri: | 7583 | Norwegian: | 7879 | Somali: | 8379 | Volapük: | 8679 |
Bhutani: | 6890 | Frisian: | 7089 | Kazakh: | 7575 | Oriya: | 7982 | Spanish: | 6983 | Welsh: | 6789 |
Bihari: | 6672 | Galician: | 7176 | Kirghiz: | 7589 | Pashto, Pushto: | 8083 | Sundanese: | 8385 | Wolof: | 8779 |
Breton: | 6682 | Georgian: | 7565 | Korean: | 7579 | Persian: | 7065 | Swahili: | 8387 | Xhosa: | 8872 |
Bulgarian: | 6671 | German: | 6869 | Kurdish: | 7585 | Polish: | 8076 | Swedish: | 8386 | Yiddish: | 7473 |
Burmese: | 7789 | Greek: | 6976 | Laotian: | 7679 | Portuguese: | 8084 | Tagalog: | 8476 | Yoruba: | 8979 |
Byelorussian: | 6669 | Greenlandic: | 7576 | Latin: | 7665 | Punjabi: | 8065 | Tajik: | 8471 | Zulu: | 9085 |
Cambodian: | 7577 | Guarani: | 7178 | Latvian, Lettish: | 7686 | Quechua: | 8185 | Tamil: | 8465 |
Catalan: | 6765 | Gujarati: | 7185 | Lingala: | 7678 | Tatar: | 8484 |
| ||
Convenient functions