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Figure 22. Number of Devices Page
Select the number of CM9700MDD-EVS units. Remember that one matrix bay input must be available for each CM9700MDD-EVS, so the
number of units cannot exceed the number of available inputs on the matrix bay.
5. Click Next. The Port Configuration page opens, with the number of the first available port in the Host Port field. You can select a different
port number; note however that it is strongly recommended that you use the default baud rate and parity settings, which are provided.
NOTE: All CM9700MDD-EVS units on a CM9700-CC1 node must have the same baud rate and parity settings. If you change these settings
for one CM9700MDD-EVS unit, every unit on the node will be updated to match these settings when the CM9700-MGR configuration files
are transferred to the CM9700MDD-EVS (as described in Export the Configuration Files and Transfer the Data to the CM9700MDD-EVS on
page 38).
Figure 23. Port Configuration Page
6. Click Next, and then click Finish on the Add More Devices page. The specified number of CM9700MDD-EVS units is added to the node, as
illustrated in Figure 24. Note that camera inputs 253-256 are assigned as the CM9700MDD-EVS tie lines.
Figure 24. Sample CM9700MDD-EVS Units Added to the Matrix System
7. Continue with the steps in the following section to configure additional CM9700MDD-EVS settings.