iPodfifth generation (software version 1.2.1)
Thisunits iPod function can be operated from
youriPod. Sound can be heard from cars
speaker,and operation can be conducted from
!Whilethis function is in use, even if the
ignitionkey is turned off, iPod is not turned
off.To turn off power,operate the iPod.
1 PressiPod and hold to switch thecon-
#Eachpressing and holding iPod switches the
#Whileusing this function, play time and titles
arenot displayed on this unit.
#Evenif this function is performed, trackup/
downcan be operated from this unit.
#Whileusing this function, browse function
cannotbe operated from this unit.
2 Operatethe connected iPod to select a
songand play.
Youcan also turn this function on or off in the
menuthat appears by using MULTI-CONTROL.

Changing audiobook speed

Whilelistening to an audiobook on iPod, play-
backspeed can be changed.
1 Displaythe function menu.
Referto Introduction to advanced operations
onpage 23.
2 UseMULTI-CONTROL to select
AUDIOBOOKSin the function menu.
3 PressMULTI-CONTROL to select the de-
!FASTERPlayback faster than normal
!SLOWERPlayback slower than normal
!NORMALPlayback in normal speed
Bluetooth Audio
!Dependingon the Bluetooth audio player con-
nectedto this unit, the operations available
withthis unit are limited to the following two
Lowerlevel: Only playing back songs on
youraudio player is possible.
Higherlevel: Playing back, pausing, select-
ingsongs, etc., are possible (all the opera-
tionsillustrated in this manual).
!Sincethere are a number of Bluetooth audio
playersavailable on the market, operations
withyour Bluetooth audio player using this
unitvary extensively. Refer to the instruction
manualthat came with your Bluetooth audio
playeras well as this manual while operating
yourplayer on this unit.
!Informationabout songs (e.g. the elapsed
playingtime, song title, song index, etc.) can-
notbe displayed on this unit.
!Whileyou are listening to songs on your Blue-
toothaudio player, refrain from using on your
cellularphone as much as possible. If you use
yourcellular phone, the signal from your cel-
lularphone may cause noise on the song play-
!Whenyou are talking on a cellular phone con-
nectedto this unit via Bluetooth wireless tech-
nology,song playback from your Bluetooth
audioplayer connected to this unit is muted.
!Evenif you are listening to a song on your
Bluetoothaudio player and you switch to an-
othersource, song playback continues.

Connecting a Bluetooth audio


!Beforeyou can use audio players you may
needto enter the PIN code into this unit. If
yourplayer requires a PIN code to establish
aconnection, look for the code on the
playeror in its accompanying documenta-
tion.Refer to Entering PIN code for Blue-
toothwireless connection on page 48.
Operating this unit
En 25
Operatingthis unit