Polycom-Microsoft User’s Guide
The Outlook New Meeting Request window opens, with the meeting organizer’s conference information taken from the conference parameters configured in the Office Communicator Options— Accounts. For detailed description, see "Defining the Conferencing Properties in your Office Communicator” on page
The following parameters are displayed:
—The conference SIP URI, for example, 1007@ip.co.il
—Conference toll free dial in number, for example,
—Conference toll number, for example,
—Conference entry Password, for example, 5678
2You can add to the invitation conference participants, subject, location, date and time as with any regular Outlook invitation.
At the conference due time the Outlook invitation reminder opens on all invitees’ PCs.
Invitees can select between using the displayed conference information for dialing in and joining the conference or click the Join Conference link which will activate your Office Communicator application and use the callback option.