After you put on the chest strap, face the display console for a minimum of 15 seconds. This allows the receiver in the console to recognize the signal from the chest strap.
If Hr blinks in the HEART RATE display, it is detecting a signal, but has not yet determined your heart rate. Make sure the chest strap is positioned properly around your chest and against your skin.
If you prefer to use the
When a signal is detected, a number flashes in the HEART RATE display and indicates your heart rate.
Figure 4: Heart rate target zones
The calculation used for the heart rate target zone is: (220 minus your age) multiplied by a percent.
For example:
Warmup range: (220 minus your age) multiplied by 55%
Peak range: (220 minus your age) multiplied by 85%
User's Reference Manual: Heart Rate Features | 12 |