FastTrak TX4000 User Manual
| Source Disk |
Channel: | Drive ID | Drive Model | Capacity (MB) |
| Target Disk |
Channel: | Drive ID | Drive Model | Capacity (MB) |
| [Please Select A Source Disk] |
| |
Channel: | Drive ID | Drive Model | Capacity (MB) |
1 : | 1 | QUANTUMCR8.4A | 8063 |
3 : | 3 | QUANTUMCR8.4A | 8063 |
[↑ ] Up [↓ ] | [ESC] Exit |
4.Press the arrow keys to choose which drive contains the existing data to be copied.
All target drive data will be erased. Make sure you choose the correct drive.
Start to duplicate the image . . .
Do you want to continue? (Yes/No)
Y – Continue N - Abort
6.Select Y to continue. If you choose N, you will be returned to step 1.
7.Once you select Y, the following progress screen will appear. The process will take a few minutes.
Please Wait While Duplicating The Image
10% Complete
Once mirroring is complete, the following screen will appear confirming that your Security array has been created.
Array has been created. <Press Any Key to Reboot>
8.Press any key to reboot the system.