Section 2
SNMP Overview
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is the protocol governing network management and monitoring of network devices. This Simple Network Management Protocol Reference Guide describes how to use SNMP to manage and monitor the SANbox/SANbox2 switch products. Specifically, this guide describes the SNMP agent that resides on the switch.
The following topics are covered in this section:
SNMP interface objectives
Manager and agent
Management information bases (MIBs)
User datagram protocol (UDP)
Numbering system conventions
SNMP Interface Objectives
The objectives of the SNMP Interface are as follows:
Connect to the SNMP agent that resides on the switch using a management workstation.
Support of Fabric Element Management Information Bases
Support of version 1 and 2 traps.
The SNMP agent supports SNMPv1and SNMPv2c.
Manager and Agent
The two primary elements of SNMP are:
Manager - the application that runs on the management workstation.
Agent - the daemon application that runs on the switch.
The Manager is the application through which the network administrator performs network management functions. The SNMP agent is the direct interface on the switch for any SNMP manager connecting to the switch using the SNMP protocol, as shown in Figure