
Scanning Documents of Different Sizes

The following table shows how originals of different sizes in a batch are scanned differently according to the setting and the position of the originals.


E-mail/Scan to Folder/Store/Net-

TWAIN Scanner


work Delivery Scanner





[Mixed Sizes] is not

• Auto detection is used to de-

A whole batch of originals is

specified. ([Scan Size]

termine the size of each origi-

scanned using the size of the first

is set to [Auto Detect]) *1

nal placed on the exposure






• A whole batch of originals



placed in the ADF will be



scanned using the size of the



maximum size original.





[Mixed Sizes] is not

Auto detection is used to determine the size of each original.

specified. ([Scan Size]



is set to [Auto Detect]) *2



[Scan Size] is specified.

When an original is smaller than the specified size, a blank space ap-


pears in the resulting image.







[Auto detection (Uni-size)]is selected under the TWAIN Driver. [Auto detection (Multi-size)]is selected under the TWAIN Driver.


For details about the TWAIN Driver settings, see TWAIN Driver Help.