Sending Scan Files by E-mail

B Press [ ].F Select the sender.


C Press [User (Dest.) Name].



The soft keyboard appears.


To search for an e-mail ad- dress, press [E-mail Address].

D Enter part of the sender name.


Enter the first character or characters of the sender name.

It is also possible to perform a combined search using [Us- er (Dest.) Name] and [E-mail Ad- dress].

It is necessary to differentiate between uppercase and low- ercase letters.

EPress [OK].


When a protection code has been set, a screen for entering the protection code appears after selecting the sender. En- ter the protection code, and then press [OK]. If the protec- tion code you entered is cor- rect, the sender name is highlighted.

GPress [Exit].HPress [OK].K For a reception confirmation e- mail, press [Return Receipt].


To use [Return Receipt] you must:

Log on as a user

Specify the sender in Step J

When [Return Receipt] is select- ed, an e-mail notifying that the e-mail has been read by the des- tination party is sent to the sender selected here. However, if the mailing software used by the destination party does not support MDN (Message Dispo- sition Notification), the e-mail may not be sent.

L Specify a subject if necessary.


To specify a subject, you can se- lect it from the list, enter it di- rectly, or combine selecting and entering it.