
Wait Time for Next Original(s): SADF

When dividing originals and scan-

ning them separately with the
ADF to form a single file, select [Set

Wait Time] or [Continuous Wait] for

the waiting status.


This setting is valid if [SADF] is
specified for [Original Feed Type]
when scanning. For details, see
p.77 “Batch/SADF selection”.
If [Set Wait Time] is selected, en-
ter the wait time in seconds (3-
999) for placing additional orig-
inals with the number keys.
Scanning will start automatical-
ly if additional originals are
placed within this time. You can
end scanning and begin trans-
mission by pressing the {#} key
within this time. Once the spec-
ified time has elapsed, transmis-
sion starts automatically.
If [Continuous Wait] is selected,
the machine will wait for the ad-
ditional originals until the {#}
key is pressed. Scanning will
start when additional originals
are placed and the {Start} key is

Changing the settings such as the scan settings

Opening the upper cover of the ADF

Pressing the {Interrupt} key to activate the copy mode

Original Setting

Set the default for whether originals are one-sided or two-sided and if two-sided, the relationship between those sides. When the originals are always the same, set this for the de- fault to make operation easier. You can select [1 Sided Original], [2 Sided Orig.: T to T] (Top to Top), or [2 Sided Orig.: T to B] (Top to Bottom).


p.76 “Making the Settings Related to the Orientation of the Original and Scanned Sides”

Switch to Batch

Select [SADF] or [Batch] as the scan- ning mode that appears as [Original Feed Type] of [Scanner Features].


p.79 “Scanning Originals in Sev-
pressed. You can end scanning


and begin sending by pressing
the {#} key.
Even if originals are placed on
the exposure glass, the machine
will operate according to the
specified settings. However,
every time originals are placed
on the exposure glass, you must
press the {Start} key to start
If a paper misfeed occurs or any
of the following operations is
performed while the machine is
waiting for additional originals,
the countdown stops and does
not start again until the {#} key
is pressed.
Mixed Original Sizes Priority

This setting determines whether the original size is to be automati- cally detected when originals of different sizes are inserted in the ADF. You can select [On] or [Off].


If the original size is specified when scanning, this setting is ignored.

When [Off] is selected and [Auto Detect] is selected for scan size, if originals of different sizes are placed in the ADF, the maxi- mum size will be detected as the scan size.