Configuring/Registering Scan Settings

Text / Photo

For originals containing a mixture of text and photo- graphs


For originals containing pho- tographs and other pictures (two-value).

Creates scanned images suit- able for printing.

Gray Scale

For originals containing pho- tographs and other pictures (multi-value).

Creates scanned images suit-

able for displaying on a computer screen.

When the original is scanned in full color, the following items should be set.

Text / Photo

For standard originals containing mainly text

7 • Glossy Photo

For originals containing photographs or other pictures


When scanning the origi- nal as a sRGB internation- al standard of color space) image, select [sRGB]. This function is available when “Full Color: Text / Photo” or “Full Color: Glossy Photo” is selected.


File Format Converter (optional) is required to use this function.


Select the resolution from 100 dpi, 150 dpi, 200 dpi, 300 dpi, 400 dpi, or 600 dpi.

Image Density

Select the image density in sev- en steps from iLighter (1) to Darkerj (7) or use Auto Image Density.


The image density settings are disabled if ”sRGB” is se- lected.

Scan Size

Select the size of the original to be scanned.

When [Auto Detect] is selected, the auto detect function of the machine is used to set the origi- nal size.

When the size is specified, scan- ning is performed for that size, regardless of the actual size of the original. The following sizes

can be selected:

A3S, A4R, A4S, A5R, A5S,

11 ⋅ 17S, 81/2⋅14S, 81/2 ⋅13S, 81/2 ⋅ 11R, 81/2⋅11S, 51/2⋅ 81/2R, 51/2 ⋅ 81/2S, B4 JISS (Japanese Industrial Standard), B5 JISR, B5 JISS, Custom Size


When [Custom Size] is select- ed, the dimensions of the scan area (width and height) can be specified.

When selecting [Custom Size] for [Scan Size], see p.102 “Se- lecting a custom size”.