Initial Scanner Setup


Scan Settings

This section explains how to set the defaults for scan settings.

The scan settings consist of the fol- lowing. For the table about settings and defaults, see p.97 “Scanner Features ”.

Default Scan Settings

Various basic settings (scan type, resolution, image density, and scan size) can be set. You can regis- ter the scan settings in the same way as specifying them. For de- tails, see p.73 “Specifying Scan Set- tings”.

Scan Type


Image Density

If [Set Wait Time] is selected, en- ter the wait time in seconds (3- 999) for placing additional orig- inals with the number keys. Scanning will start if additional originals are placed and the {Start} key is pressed within this time. You can end scanning and begin transmission by pressing the {#} key within this time. Once the specified time has elapsed, transmission starts automatically.

If [Continuous Wait] is selected, the machine will wait for addi- tional originals until the {#} key is pressed. Scanning will start when additional originals are placed and the {Start} key is pressed. You can end scanning and begin sending by pressing the {#} key.

Scan Size

Wait Time for Next Orig.: Exposure Glass

When dividing originals and scan-

ning them individually with the

9 exposure glass to form a single file, select [Off], [Set Wait Time], or [Continuous Wait] for the waiting status.


If [SADF] or [Batch] is specified as

[Original Feed Type] when scan- ning, this setting is invalid. For details, see p.77 “Batch/SADF selection”.

If [Off] is selected, sending will start automatically after one page of original is scanned.

If originals are placed in the au- to matic docum ent feeder (ADF), transmission will start without waiting for additional originals after all originals in the ADF have been scanned, re- gardless of the specified set- tings.

If a paper misfeed occurs or any of the following operations is performed while the machine is waiting for additional originals, the countdown stops and does not start again until the {#} key is pressed.

Changing the settings such as the scan settings

Opening the upper cover of the ADF

Pressing the {Interrupt} key to activate the copy mode