Common problems | Europa User Guide |
The arpeggiator runs too fast/slow or doesn’t stay in sync
Check the following:
•Is the arpeggiator clock multiplier/divider set to a desired value? See section “Arpeggiator sync options and clock multiplier/divider” on how to set the multiplier/divider to the proper value
•Is the arpeggiator synchronization setting set to the proper source? See section “Arpeggiator sync options and clock multiplier/divider” for how to set the arpeggiator synchronization source. If the clock source is set to external arpeggio, if an external clock stops advancing, Europa will continue to provide clocking at the last rate received. The only way to clear this condition is to feed the Jupiter 6 a new arpeggio clock or change the clock sync to internal or MIDI
•Check the rhythm and ensure that no unintended beats are missing. See section “Programming the arpeggiator step rhythm” for details on how to check and set the rhythm
The Europa Firmware Update Utility times out when I try to update
The EFUU needs bidirectional communication. That is, both the MIDI IN and OUT cables to the Jupiter 6 must be connected to the computer running the EFUU. Check the following:
•Be sure to connect the Jupiter 6’s MIDI IN to the computer’s MIDI OUT, and the Jupiter 6’s MIDI OUT to the computer’s MIDI IN. Do not connect INs to INs and OUTs to OUTs!
•Verify communication between the computer and the Jupiter 6 works properly by playing a sample sequence to it. Also, make sure the computer can record MIDI messages from the Jupiter 6.
•Once the EFUU is executed, be sure to select the Jupiter 6’s MIDI IN and OUT buses. When the EFUU connect button is pressed, it will send out a message every 2 seconds looking for a response from the Jupiter 6. Look at the TUNE LED to see if it is blinking at that interval. If not, then there is no communication from the computer to the Jupiter 6
•If using the Macintosh, uncheck the Sync box and try connecting again
•Be sure there are no other MIDI applications running at the time the EFUU is running – PC or Macintosh! This includes (but is not limited to) sequencers and MIDI monitors. These programs will most often interfere with MIDI operations.
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