Overview Appendix
USB Memory
Song Player
Digital Recorder
Selecting Sounds Perform. Functions Editing/Eects Other Settings Rec/Play/Edit Eects Rhythm Pattern
Using the VALUE Dial to Select a Live Set
To select a live set, use the cursor buttons and the VALUE dial to
change the value in the LIVE SET PLAY screen.
1. In.the.LIVE.SET.PLAY.screen,.use.the.cursor.buttons.to.move.
2. Use.the.VALUE.dial.or.the.[DEC].[INC].buttons.to.select.the.
3. Use.the.cursor.buttons.to.move.the.cursor.to.the.live.set.
4. Use.the.VALUE.dial.or.the.[DEC].[INC].buttons.to.select.the.

Selecting live sets by category ( category lock)

The lock icon ( ) shown in the LIVE SET PLAY screen speci es
whether you’ll be selecting live sets within the selected
category or across categories.
If you move the cursor to the lock icon and use the VALUE dial
or [DEC] [INC] buttons to select the “ ” position, you’ll be able
to select live set numbers across categories. If you select the
LOCK” position, you’ll be able to change the live set number
within the currently selected category.
Selecting Live Sets by Number ( [NUMERIC] Button)
1. Follow.steps.1.through.3.of.“Using.the.VALUE.dial.to.Select.a.
2. Press.the.[NUMERIC].button.so.it’s.lit.
The [0]–[9] buttons will light.
3. Use.the.[0]–[9].buttons.to.enter.the.desired.live.set.number,.
When you  nalize the input, the [0]–[9] buttons will return to their
previous state of illumination.
If you press the [NUMERIC] button without pressing the [ENTER]
button, the [0]–[9] buttons will return to their previous state without
changing the live set number.
Selecting Special Live Sets ( [SPECIAL LIVE SET] Button)
1. Press.the.[SPECIAL.LIVE.SET].button.
2. Use.the.cursor.buttons.to.move.the.cursor.to.the.live.set.
3. Press.the.[ENTER].(LIST).button.
The SPECIAL LIVE SET LIST screen will appear.
4. Use.the.VALUE.dial,.the.[ ].[ ].buttons.or.the.[DEC].[INC].
If you press the [EXIT] button instead of pressing the [ENTER] button,
you’ll return to the previous screen without the live set number being
You can select a special live set as described in “Selecting Live
Sets from the List,” “Using the VALUE dial to Select a Live Set,” or
“Selecting Live Sets by Number,” or by selecting the “SPECIAL” live
set group.
Auditioning a Live Set ( [PREVIEW] Button)
If you hold down the [PREVIEW] button, the selected live set will be
played using an appropriate phrase.
1. Press.and.hold.the.[PREVIEW].button.
A phrase will play using the live set that’s selected in the screen.
2. The.phrase.will.stop.playing.when.you.release.the.[PREVIEW].
If you want to change how the phrase plays when you press the
[PREVIEW] button, refer to the system setting “Preview” (p. 80), the
live set setting “Preview Type” (p. 38) and “Preview Phrase” (p. 38).
If you hold down the [SHIFT] button while you press the [PREVIEW]
button, the phrase will continue playing even after you remove
your  nger from the [PREVIEW] button, which will remain lighted.
Press the [PREVIEW] button once again to turn o its light, and
playback of the phrase will stop.