Using Effects
This parameter adjusts the brightness of the input sound by changing the high frequency content's balance.
Brightness Frequency (BRT F)
This sets the lower limit of this parameter. The sound components that are of a higher frequency than this parameter will be adjusted. You can set a value from 1.00k Hz to 20.0k Hz.
Brightness Gain (BRT G)
This parameter adjusts the brightness of the signal above the value set with the Brightness Frequency parameter.You can set a value within a range of ±6.0 dB.
This adjusts the color and balance of the sound's harmonics
Harmonic Threshold (HRM TH)
This sets the threshold for the Harmonic Balance control. If the sound level exceeds this level, the harmonics control will function. You can set a value from
Harmonic Level (HRM LV)
This sets the value of the harmonic control. You can set a value in 100 steps (from 0 to 100).
Harmonic Color (HRM CL)
This sets the value of the harmonic distortion. You can set a value in 100 steps (from 0 to 100).
Using Effects