Trouble Shooting about Computer
My computer hangs up when I open a MIDI file
This problem can occur if the USB waveform of your computer does not sufficiently meet the standards. In this case, the problem may be solved if you connect the
Windows 98 / Me users
The latest information is provided in the “Troubleshooting” section of the file Readme_e.htm, located in the Driver\WinMe_98 folder of the
•Cannot install/uninstall/use the driver
•Cannot select the
•Cannot transfer data
•Data transfer is interrupted
Windows 2000 users
The latest information is provided in the “Troubleshooting” section of the file Readme_e.htm, located in the Driver\Win2000 folder of the
•Cannot install/uninstall/use the driver
•Cannot select the
•Cannot transfer data
•Data transfer is interrupted
•The “Digital Signature Not Found” dialog box appears
•You are asked for the driver file even thought it has already been installed
•Cannot use two or more units simultaneously
Macintosh users
An error dialog box is displayed
◆Is the MMP-2 driver installed?
An error dialog box will be displayed if the
driver is installed.
If the display indicates “The software needed to use the USB device “Unknown Device” cannot be found. Please refer to the device documentation to install the necessary software”, click “OK.” If the display indicates “Software needed for the USB device “Unnamed Device” is not available. Would you like to look for the software on the Internet?”, click “Cancel.”
After closing the dialog box, follow the procedure for “Macintosh / OMS” (p. 35) or “Macintosh /
FreeMIDI” (p. 38) to install the
Cannot install the USB MIDI driver
◆Did you exit all other programs?
Exit all