C Pen lietošana

Pārliecinieties, vai starp C Pen un savienoto ierīci nav nekādu šķēršļu, ieskaitot cilvēku ķermeņus, sienas, stūrus vai žogus.

Neaiztieciet pievienotas ierīces Bluetooth antenu.

Bluetooth izmanto tādu pašu frekvenci, kā daži industriālie, zinātniskie, medicīniskie un zema enerģijas patēriņa produkti un var rasties traucējumi izveidojot savienojumus šāda veida produktu tuvumā.

Dažas ierīces, it sevišķi tās, kuras nav pārbaudījis vai apstiprinājis Bluetooth SIG, var nebūt savietojamas ar jūsu C Pen.

Neizmantojiet Bluetooth funkciju nelikumīgiem mērķiem (piemēram, veidojot pirātiskas failu kopijas vai nelegāli noklausoties komunikāciju komerciāliem mērķiem).

C Pen lietošana

Savienojot C Pen ar citu ierīci, ir pieejamas dažādas funkcijas, piemēram, skārienžesti, rakstīšana pievienotās ierīces ekrānā vai programmu palaide. Līnijas biezums mainīsies atkarībā no tā, cik spēcīgi jūs ar pildspalvas galu spiedīsiet uz ekrāna.

Pārlieku liela spiediena izdarīšana uz pildspalvas galu vai pildspalvas izmantošana uz nelīdzenas virsmas var radīt bojājumus pildspalvas galā.

C Pen nav ieslēgšanas/izslēgšanas funkcijas. Ja C Pen netiek izmantota aptuveni 10 minūtes, tā pārslēdzas miega režīmā un C Pen un mobilā ierīce atvienojas. Lai atkal savienotu ierīces, nospiediet pogu virzībai uz augšu vai pogu virzībai uz leju.

TabPro Pen Manager programmas instalēšana

Instalējiet programmu TabPro Pen Manager pievienotajā Galaxy TabPro S, lai izmantotu ērtas funkcijas, piemēram, pārbaudītu C Pen savienojuma statusu un atlikušā akumulatora uzlādes līmeņa datus.



Savienotajā Galaxy TabPro S palaidiet programmu Samsung Update.

Izvēlieties programmu TabPro Pen Manager un pieskarieties instalēšanas pogai.




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Samsung EJ-PW700CBEGWW manual Pen lietošana, TabPro Pen Manager programmas instalēšana

EJ-PW700CBEGWW specifications

The Samsung EJ-PW700CBEGWW is a remarkable device designed for users seeking seamless navigation and enhanced productivity. This stylus is primarily crafted for Samsung Galaxy tablets and compatible devices, showcasing a combination of cutting-edge technology and user-friendly features.

One of the standout features of the EJ-PW700CBEGWW is its precision tip, which allows for pinpoint accuracy when sketching, note-taking, or navigating through applications. The improved sensitivity and responsiveness ensure that users can enjoy a natural writing experience, providing the feel of pen on paper. This is particularly beneficial for artists and professionals who rely on fine details in their work.

The built-in Bluetooth functionality elevates the versatility of the stylus. Users can take advantage of remote control capabilities, allowing for features such as taking photos, scrolling presentations, or managing media playback without needing to touch the device itself. This functionality is especially useful during presentations or meetings, where efficiency is key.

Another notable characteristic is the seamless integration with Samsung applications. The EJ-PW700CBEGWW works flawlessly with apps like Samsung Notes, S Pen Activity, and various graphic design applications, empowering users to unleash their creativity. The device supports pressure sensitivity, enhancing the drawing experience by allowing varied line thicknesses depending on how hard the user presses.

The stylus is also designed with ergonomics in mind, featuring a comfortable grip that fits well in the hand, allowing for extended use without discomfort. The lightweight design makes it easy to carry, fitting effortlessly into pockets or dedicated slots in compatible devices.

Rechargeable via USB-C, the Samsung EJ-PW700CBEGWW offers convenience with a long battery life that minimizes downtime. A quick charge can provide hours of use, keeping users productive throughout the day.

In summary, the Samsung EJ-PW700CBEGWW is a high-performance stylus that combines precision, Bluetooth connectivity, and ergonomic design for an enhanced user experience. Its compatibility with a range of Samsung devices makes it an invaluable tool for professionals, artists, and everyday users looking to maximize their productivity and creativity. Whether sketching, taking notes, or navigating applications, this stylus stands out as an essential accessory for Samsung Galaxy device users.