››Video call image

Select an image to be shown to the other party.

››Own video in received call

Set whether to show your live image or preset image to the other party.

››Use call fail options

Select whether or not to retry a voice call when a video call fails to connect.

››Turn on proximity sensor

Set to turn on the proximity sensor during a call.

››Call forwarding

Divert incoming calls to another number.

››Additional settings

Caller ID: Display your caller ID to other parties for outgoing calls.

Call waiting: Allow incoming call alerts when a call is in progress.


Change the settings for various sounds on your device.

Silent mode: Activate Silent mode to mute all sounds except media sounds and alarm ringtones.

Vibrate: Set when the device will vibrate for various events.

Volume: Adjust the volume level for call ringtones, music and videos, alarm ringtones, system sound, and notification ringtones.
